Friendly service with quality workmanship
Friendly service with quality workmanship
It’s a pleasure to work with a varied group of talented people. Thanks to the Sprocket crew, we can bring passion, experience and old fashioned service to the cycling community. WESTSIDE!
It’s a pleasure to work with a varied group of talented people. Thanks to the Sprocket crew, we can bring passion, experience and old fashioned service to the cycling community. WESTSIDE!
Owner/ Mechanic
Thanks to a chance viewing of the little known cycling movie “Breaking away” in 1982, I became obsessed with bikes and what makes them spin.
Cycling has been part of my life ever since. Current rides include a Giant Fast road with Craftworx aero wheels, giant XTC hardtail, Jamis renegade touring and my much loved Raleigh 753 in Phil Andersons Team Panasonic colours

Fiona Haddrell
Fiona helps the business cogs turn and keeps the workshop humming. She moved here from NZ 6 years ago and cycling has been a part of her life since hurtling down steep hills to school. She has cycle toured around Europe and is now a dedicated roadie riding most days with her friends and family. You can now see Fiona speeding around the west on her new build a Ridley Fenix SLX.
We share the same surname and the same passion for all things two wheeled. Rayner was one of the youngest participants riding his Giant TCR in the 9 day Great Victorian Bike ride at the age of 10 leaving his dad in the dust most days. Rayner is currently riding his partially restored Raleigh Medale roadie the western suburbs when not helping us in the shop